Wednesday, October 28, 2009

October 29th Small Group

At my place again, same as last week.

Look forward to seeing you!

Monday, October 19, 2009

Thursday Oct. 22nd

Meeting at my place:
3535 Carlyle Drive
Charlotte, NC 28208

The passages on the table are:
Exodus 12 & 13 and
Matthew 26:17-30, Luke 22:7-20, Mark 14: 12-26, Isaiah 53:6-7, Genesis 22:8, John 1:29, John 1:36, Revelation 5:6, Revelation 7:10-17, Revelation 14:4,10, Rev. 15:3, Rev. 19:9, Rev. 21:22-23, Rev. 22:1-3, Deuteronomy 16:1-8, 1 Corinthians 11:17-34, Numbers 9;1-14, Numbers 28:16-25

We have alot to speak about regarding the symbolism of Christ as the Passover Lamb and how this ties into the last supper etc. In a way, everytime we celebrate Eucharist we should be reminded that Christ's gift to us was promised even before the law was established and that His redemption of humanity was on God's mind well before the Israelites were even released from their Egyptian bondage. This is such a rich and meaningful passage that I want us to take some time really thinking and pondering what God's narrative meant to the Israelites, what it meant to Jewish believers at the time of Christ's death and what it means to us now, 4,000 years after the original 'pass over'.

There are many many sites that explain the passover meal/seder and its significance. For example: here and here.

There is so much tradition and sweet symbolism connected with this passage and celebration that I am not sure how we will cover all of the areas. We will try to get through enough to understand how boldly the Israelites' release from captivity foreshadowed and promised Christ's release of sinners into the perfection of his salvation.

Hope you can all join us, and remember, you are always welcome to post thoughts, questions, ideas to the website!

Monday, October 12, 2009

Big Thoughts

The readings for this week are Exodus 1-6 (from last week) and 7-11 (from this week.) This ties in beautifully with this weeks sermon at 242 about what a leader should look like and how we should choose/recognize/respond to a godly leader.

I would like to direct you again to the 242 homepage. For those of you who missed the message (like I did, as I was in kidzwarehouse) you can listen to it here. Just click on the play button or download it.

Small group this week will be at:
Bill & Brandy's
6609 Morganford RoadCharlotte, NC 28211

Pls call me cell if you have any questions!!! 704-458-2947

Hope all our new peeps show! I love our small group!


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Small group cancelled

BUT I am going to post the reading and some other conversation pieces so come prepared next week!

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

From Jill:

Hello all.
Tomorrow night's community group is supposed to be held at the Jones' but, after speaking with them, it looks like it would work better to hold it at my house. (not to worry, it's only a few blocks from their house) Same time; meet up at 6:30 and begin by 7:00. I'll provide some munchies and vino. Hope everyone can make it!

2613 Laburnum Ave. 28205

By the way, if you haven't been here before (or forgot), googlemaps will take you down a road that no longer exists. If you're coming from Monroe/7th St. Turn on Ranier Rd. and take an immediate right on Weddington Rd. Left onto Bascom and right on Laburnum. Our house will be on the left two blocks down.

Jill Chisholm

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Same bat time, Same bat channel

Come one, come all!!!

We are going to wrap up Genesis and do a little art project as well!

Call if you have questions!

